“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your ONE, WILD & PRECIOUS life?”
I tossed and turned all night! Not sure why!! But the podcast I listened to late last night probably led to this. Well, one of the few people I consistently follow online other than my favourite spiritual mentor, the Rev. TD Jakes is a woman who curses like a sailor but has the most sensible, truth bombs blown into my face every time I listen to her! Anyway, I will spare you the nitty-gritties.
The first question she asked was "Do you even f***ng ( further expletives!!) know what you want? I FROZE! Luckily, I do! And I want to throw the same question to you (minus the expletives!!). So here I am, coffee in hand, asking you again! What do you really want? Like really, really want?
"Many of us want the reward and not the struggle, the result and not the process, the victory and not the war".
I like to reverse engineer stuff so this is my current thought process. Figure out what upsets you, what you do not like about your current life situation and be specific about it. Don't just say that you hate your office job. Peel off everything about that job - layer after layer and pinpoint exactly why you hate it. Could it be your micro-managing boss? Your workload? Your low pay? Your meaningless job title? Or all of the above? What bothers you, and how can you fix it? How much do you want to fix it?
So, this weekend, take out your notebook and really ask yourself what you really want. Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for. People who enjoy the struggles of a gym are the ones who get in good shape. I speak to many of my clients and many dream of quitting their 9-5 corporate jobs to start their dream business. However, I stand here with authority declaring that you cannot establish a successful enterprise unless you find a way to appreciate the risk, the uncertainty, the repeated failures, and working insane hours on something you have no idea whether will be successful or not. End of!!
When I launched my business almost a year ago, I truly did not know the extremes I would go through. Moments of extreme bliss and moments of extreme lows! It has been quite the rollercoaster ride bit guess what, I could not trade this for anything in the world.
"Sometimes you need to go all the way down before you go up!"
And I am not pushing down your throat the call for willpower or "grit" but it sure does count. Life is not all roses in bloom but with proper support, accountability and the decision to do whatever it takes, IT CAN BE DONE!
Now to the HARD, COLD TRUTH!
If you find yourself wanting something month after month, year after year, yet nothing happens and you never come any closer to it, then maybe what you are chasing is a dream, a figment of your imagination, a fantasy, a false promise. Maybe what you want isn't what you want, you probably just enjoy desiring. Perhaps you don't actually want it after all.
October is here, and we are literally at the sunset of 2017! I am offering 3 months of intensive 1:1 coaching to 5 women who know what they want and are ready to get it! And if you are not sure what you want, I get that too…we shall figure it out together.
If this is you, read on:
You want to finally stop procrastinating and make progress on your personal and professional goals.
You want to be supported and be seen for who you really are without being judged.
You have been "in a rut" for months, years or even decades and it's time to get unstuck!
You long to find your purpose and create more meaning in your life and work
You need to wind up 2017 in style and lay the foundation for 2018 and beyond.
Instead of waiting for someday, you might be surprised at what's truly possible for you to do RIGHT NOW.
>>>The days of listening to your FEAR are over.
>>> It's time to start acting on your FAITH that everything is possible for you.
>>> The truth is, you are powerful beyond measure.
And now it's time to create your NEW reality.
This life-changing transformational 1:1coaching experience is by application only! Please respond to this message and I will be in touch with more details.
Have a wonderful weekend and remember to FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT FIRST, COMMIT TO IT & KEEP GOING!
Joanne xx